Fanaka Studio
The reference actor for the co-design and deployment of innovative development projects in Africa.
Fanaka Solutions
The ideal partner for a real impact of development projects in Africa.
Fanaka Prospective
The pan-African citizen mobilisation platform for the emergence of the Africa 2050 citizen agenda as seen by African youth.
Fanaka Studio
The reference actor for the co-creation and acceleration of innovative and turnkey solutions for development in Africa.
Fanaka Solutions
The ideal partner for a real impact of development projects in Africa.
Fanaka Prospective
The pan-African citizen mobilisation platform for the emergence of the Africa 2030 citizen agenda as seen by African youth.
Hello! We are Fanaka&Co, a solutions agency for shared prosperity in Africa!
We believe that prosperity can and should be shared by all.
We are convinced that development projects can have a better impact on people's quality of life.
We believe that it is now possible to reinventing development mechanisms.
This is why we have chosen to put innovation for inclusive and sustainable growth.

Fanaka Studio
Your partner of reference for the co-creation and acceleration of innovative and turnkey solutions for development in Africa.
We offer you new approaches to develop your programmes and projects in order to finding innovative solutions to Africa's complex development challenges We initiate and accelerate the development of your tools and services and then deliver them to you on a turnkey basis with support and/or maintenance services.
Fanaka Solutions
The ideal partner for a real impact of development projects in Africa.
Structuring of support programmes
Entrepreneurship in CCI
Social entrepreneurship
Women's entrepreneurship
Green entrepreneurship
Digital entrepreneurship
Use of digital technology
Digital professions
Digitalisation of public services
Digital frugality
Technology for development
Structuring of innovation ecosystems
Open innovation (private and public sector)
Co-design of products and services

Fanaka&Co is a network of solution providers spread all over Africa:
A hundred experts of entrepreneurship, innovation and digital in Africa.
A fifty or so referents geographical areas, present in all the countries of the continent with a thorough knowledge of the terrain.
Fanaka Prospective
The Fanaka Prospective initiative
Africa is the continent of today... and especially of tomorrow. Despite the current situation, which often brings us back to a difficult reality and which sometimes tends to lead us towards a form of Afropessimism, the potential of the continent is undeniable and many facts remind us of this
Our References

- 2020 -
Agence Fanaka&Co assisted the AFD Group in defining its support policy for entrepreneurship in Africa and in drafting the Entrepreneurship narrative and other useful documents for the Entrepreneurship approach

- 2021 -
The FSPI ICC project aims to professionalise CCI practitioners and students through a support programme in the digital, film and music sectors. Fanaka&Co has been mandated by the French Embassy to elaborate the logical framework of the project and to carry out the mid-term and final evaluation.

- 2020 -
This mission made it possible to draw up an operational classification of the main digital professions and the main related skills, to carry out a mapping of training initiatives for digital professions in the French-speaking world, and to formulate recommendations for the implementation of the project and the training courses
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