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Nomba: the start-up reinventing financial services and promoting inclusion in Nigeria


At the heart of Nigeria's financial revolution is Nomba, an innovative fintech start-up dedicated to meeting the financial needs of local populations. By promoting accessibility and inclusion, Nomba is playing a crucial role in the country's economic growth and sustainable development. 


A payment alternative tailored to people's financial needs


Nomba, a fast-growing Nigerian fintech, stands out for its entrepreneurial dynamism and its commitment to empowering small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and local populations that are often excluded from traditional banking systems. Thanks to its digital platformNomba offers a range of financial services enabling users to invest online, access banking services, borrow and save.


Accessible via a mobile application, its innovative payment solutions eliminate traditional obstacles such as lack of banking infrastructure and geographical distance. As a result, rural populations and SMEs can effectively manage their cash flow and stimulate local entrepreneurship.


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A pillar of economic growth and sustainable development




By facilitating access to financial services, the digital start-up is an excellent pillar of economic growth and sustainable development. It enables local traders and SMEs to manage their finances, formalise their activities and boost their growth. By empowering individuals, Nomba contributes to the creation of sustainable jobs, higher incomes and a more transparent and efficient economy, reducing dependence on cash.


To achieve its objectives, fintech is aligning itself with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): By promoting access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises and underbanked populations, it supports MDG1, which aims to eradicate poverty worldwide. Nomba also contributes to MDG8, which promotes economic growth, decent work and job creation for all. Similarly, by facilitating social inclusion, Nomba is committed to MDG10, which aims to reduce global inequality.

Cutting-edge technology to facilitate financial inclusion


One of the main advantages of this innovative Nigerian company is its technological approach to providing access to financial services. It incorporates blockchain and artificial intelligence into the many payment solutions it offers users. This technological approach guarantees the efficiency, speed and security of financial transactions. It also strengthens confidence in the financial system, which is particularly beneficial for rural and underbanked populations. 


Nomba is much more than just a fintech start-up. It is the very embodiment of the spirit of innovation and social impact in the Nigerian financial sector. Thanks to its technological approach, it is actively contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and is a role model for change agents in Nigeria and Africa.